Sunday, March 1, 2009

when it rains it fucking pours.

this week fucking sucks. i've been sick all week and now i'm better but my goddamn cantankerous ankle has started acting up again. i sprained it a long time ago like, over a year and i guess it never healed right cuz every few months or so it will randomly just start hurting. really bad. and i can't walk. and i was supposed to go wondercon with a hot girl dressed like a dead babydoll. uhg. and i think i might be dying. i've been having these pains in my lower back, but it's not like muscle pain, it feels like my organs. my roomate's in nursing school and says it's probably my kidney's from drinking to much. oh and then there's the soul crushing depression. i tried to go out last night but just felt horrible and socially awkward so i went home and fell asleep around midnight. and now i'm just sitting on the couch with an icepack on my foot and my roomate just bitched me out for not having all my rent on time, and then asked if i want to go to an AA meeting with her. kill me now.

1 comment:

  1. who reads this shit?

    p.s. how u doin' buddy. u should kik it in oakland sum night...

